Tuesday 12 April 2016

Sci-Fi Ship Concept

This weeks task was to create a sci-fi ship concept that was either a fighter or transporter ship, it had to be believable with relatable technology.

We had to create a basic 3D model of our ship and display it with good composition, lighting and viewing angle. I was able to either paint over to create a final piece or to draw the final piece in Photoshop and perspective needs to be accurate.

Firstly, for my research i put together a moodboard of range of ships that had unique shapes, colours and panels.

The image below is my initial sketches that I had made in Photoshop, all individal and unique designs of what a sci-fi ship could be. 

 Here is my model that i created in Maya, I found this challenging but i did thoroughly enjoy this task. I tried to make sure that i angled the ship as best as I could. I added in some detail as well, this involved creating dents and small square shaped bolts and panels. I then took a screenshot of my ship and then added in a grey background and erased the surrounding to create a more visually pleasing and neat design of my model.

With my model, I took inspiration and painted over it in Photoshop, however, I did erase and changed the shape of the ship, such as the two long outer wings. Although i did keep quite a lot of the ship the same, such as the inner wings and the overall shape as i could this more appealing and had looked more like a fighter ship.

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